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The New Testament Challenge (NTC)

A church-wide effort to read/listen to the New Testament together.

Phoa Hock Seng
Memorial Library

To Evangelize, Edify and Equip through dissemination
of quality Christian literature and resources. 

Opening Hours
Sun: 12-12:30pm

Past Sermons

Visit our YouTube channel for sermons from Jan 2018 onwards.

Click the links below for sermons from:
2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Upcoming Sermons (讲道主题)

Date SermonPreacher
3 Nov 2024Relationship Matters! (John 13: 1-35)
建立关系的重要性 (约翰福音 13: 1-35)
Pastor Joshua Wong
10 Nov 2024Learn to acknowledge – the God who is knowingly present (Psalm 139)
学习承认 – 明显同在的神 (诗篇 139)
Dn John Sim
17 Nov 2024Learn to praise – the God who is worthy (Psalm 145-150)
学习赞美 – 配得一切的神 (诗篇 145-150)
Dn Yeong Yang
24 Nov 2024Psalms Flashback: Songs that teach us (Psalm 1 & 150)
诗篇的追述: 教导我们的诗 (诗篇 1 & 150)
Pastor Joshua Wong
1 Dec 2024Should i give tithes and offerings? (Issues of Life series) (2 Corinthians 9)
我需要给什一奉献吗? (生活课题系列) (哥林多后书 9)
Pastor Joshua Wong
8 Dec 2024Our response to the scripture (Nehemiah 8: 9-12 & various bible texts)
回应神的话 (尼希米记 8: 9 -12)
Pastor Charles Chow
15 Dec 2024Status or service? (Matthew 20: 20-28)
因為客店裡沒有地方 (路加福音 2: 1-7)
Pastor Joshua Wong
22 Dec 2024A prepared heart for Christ (Mark 1: 1-8)
详细寻求考察 (彼得前书 1: 10-12)
Pastor Charles Chow
25 Dec 2024Immanuel – God with us! (Matthew 1: 18-25)
因有一婴孩为我们而生 (以赛亚书 9: 6 – 7)
Pastor Joshua Wong
29 Dec 2024The LORD is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
预备心接纳基督 (马可福音 1: 1 – 8)
Dn Yeong Yang


Frequently asked questions on what we believe

These are the considered views of the church, following careful study of the Bible. They are meant to provide guidance on our church practices and approach towards current life issues.

Church Practices

We practice believers’ baptism – a believer’s public declaration of faith and identification with the Lord Jesus Christ. We practice immersion for all believers who are able to be immersed. When certain circumstances dictate (e.g. health restrictions, safety reasons), we may practice pouring or sprinkling. We do not practice infant baptism.

Sermon: “Baptism” (2 Oct 2016, Pastor Joshua Wong)

The Lord’s Supper
We practice the regular partaking of the Lord’s Supper together in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ. Believers who are non-members but baptised in a Protestant church are also permitted to partake. Believers should examine themselves before partaking and observe the Lord’s Supper in its entirety (both bread and cup). Currently, we partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month.

Sermon: “The Lord’s Supper” (25 Sep 2016, Pastor Joshua Wong)

Church Music
We value God’s gift of music, which serves the purposes of praise, prayer, and proclamation. The songs we sing must communicate Biblical truth and not conflict with the teaching of Scripture. The music is ultimately for the glory of God, and therefore should be presented in a fashion that does not draw undue attention to the “vessels”. Musical styles that are strongly associated with worldly or fleshly behaviour should not be used in the church. We believe congregational song is the most important form of worship music. Therefore, the music used should be generally accessible to the people (appropriate language medium, intelligible words, singable melodies).

Sermon: “A New Song” (28 Sep 2014, Pastor Joshua Wong)

Bible Versions
We believe that there are several good translations of the Bible. Good English versions include the King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), English Standard Version (ESV)* and New American Standard Bible (NASB), etc. For Chinese, the Chinese Union Version (CUV)* is recommended.

* In PPCC, the ESV and CUV are currently the primary versions used on the pulpit.

Sign Gifts/Speaking in Tongues
Sign gifts refer to miraculous gifts such as speaking in tongues, healing and performing other miracles. We believe that God is all-powerful and can do anything. From Scripture, we observe that signs and miracles were often used to confirm God’s message and messengers (e.g. Moses and the prophets, Jesus’ ministry, early church). Since we have the Bible, which reveals everything we need to know about God, we do not typically observe these signs and miracles today.
We define “speaking in tongues” as speaking in an identifiable language that was not consciously learnt. Speaking in tongues, if performed, must be for the common good and edification of the church, and follow the instructions found in the Bible (1 Corinthians 14). As stated above, we do not typically observe sign gifts today.

Sermon: “Tongues – Why the Confusion?” (19 May 2013, Pastor Joshua Wong)

We believe that men are to lead the church in the usual course. Our practice is that men serve as pastors/elders and deacons, and execute the roles of pulpit preaching/teaching. This does not mean men are in any way superior to women. All are encouraged to participate fully in worship and service as equals in their God-given roles.

Sermon: “Godly Women” (21 May 2017, Pastor Joshua Wong)

Life Issues

God instituted marriage as the uniting of one man and one woman in a covenant relationship as an exclusive lifelong commitment. An unmarried believer who is seeking a marriage relationship should only do so with another believer. However, in situations where a believer is already married to an unbeliever, the believer should continue in the marriage and be committed to it. Members who are widowed are free to remarry other believers.

Sermon: “Divorce and Remarriage” (4 Sep 2016, Pastor Joshua Wong)

God hates divorce, and believers should not consider this as an option in the usual course. While there may be genuine reasons why an innocent party may desire to separate from his or her spouse in extenuating circumstances caused by the other’s sexual immorality or abandonment, forgiveness and reconciliation is always the priority. Where believers are divorced, they should strive to remain single.

Sermon: “Divorce and Remarriage” (4 Sep 2016, Pastor Joshua Wong)

Sex outside monogamous, heterosexual marriage is sin. This includes sexual relationships in pre-marriage relationships, LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer +) relationships, adultery, bestiality, and the use of pornography.

Sermon: “Christ-centered Change – Purity” (17 May 2015, Pastor Joshua Wong)

Alcohol Consumption
There is no clear Biblical command that says alcohol should not be consumed at all. However, we should follow the following Biblical principles: (1) Don’t get drunk, (2) Don’t be deceived that you won’t get drunk, (3) Don’t be tempted by beverages with high alcohol content*, and (4) Don’t cause others to stumble or to drink against their own conscience.

*Note: Wine consumed at the time when the New Testament was written was usually diluted and probably had much lower alcohol content than most table wines today.

Sermon: “Alcohol – Yes, No or Maybe?” (3 Aug 2014, Pastor Joshua Wong)